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We have unique domain knowledge

Our team combines extensive domain knowledge with many years of automation experience in the global structured products industry. This unique combination of skills affords us a deep understanding of our clients’ needs and the ability to effectively translate business requirements into state-of-the-art technology solutions.

Automated production of issuance documentation
Data linkages and transmission to regulators and trading venues
Market Data
Data to inform trading strategy and lifecycle management
White label platform to end clients and lifecycle management of products
Tier 1 banks served
risk calculations performed
documents produced
MiFID II data records

Suite of products delivering automated creation, approval and archiving of complex, high volume legal, regulatory, and sales and marketing documents.

  • Mission-critical to revenue generation
  • Lower unit economic costs
  • Improved accuracy and regulatory compliance
  • Straight through process automation

Suite of products providing data and document dissemination from issuers to the buy side, exchange, regulators and data vendors..

  • Critical linkage to regulators and exchanges
  • MiFID II compliant product distribution
  • SEC compliant product issuance
  • Speed to market through automatic exchange listing

Suite of data and portfolio management tools covering key product lifecycle events and ongoing performance.

  • Unifying pre and post issuance workflow
  • Whole of lifecycle visibility to clients
  • Automatic product feeds from WSD’s SPI database
  • Seamless integration with existing settlement systems and other back office administration tools

The benefits

Deep industry expertise – partnered with all of the top 20 banks

End to end automation expertise, throughout the investment bank process

True transparency into your trades’ lifecycle

Leading-edge technology expertise, embedded into exceptional products

Secure and governed to industry standards, and best practice

Un-paralleled 99.9% uptime service level – for all of the top 20 banks, and most of the top 50

Bowmark investment

Majority owned by Bowmark Capital – Bowmark is a leading private equity investment firm specialising in growth companies valued at up to £300 million. https://www.bowmark.com

Invested in the people, and the business, the Bowmark team are an active, involved and valued partner for this high growth stage of our business.

Cloud strategy

We build products – which we deploy and manage exceptionally. Our cloud strategy ensures cost-effective, resilient, secure hosting – that is able to scale and support our rapidly growing customer-base from the most appropriate data locations.

Innately cloud-agnostic, our strategy uses a hybrid cloud platform – combining public cloud, private cloud, our own managed data centres and our client-facing APIs. Our containerisation approach allows us to host in the most appropriate location for our clients, with maximum security and scalability.

We are trusted by the world’s leading banks

Speak to one of our experts to learn how we can help you take your business to the next level.

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