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A range of digital transformation solutions for Structured Products

In 2009

In 2009, we began serving global financial services clients. We now have offices in London, Hong Kong and New York, are supported by service teams in Brazil, UK and Indonesia - to provide 24x7 service for our global customers

Our mission
Our mission is to push the boundaries of automation for legal and financial applications by combining our deep domain knowledge in these sectors with state-of-the-art technology and cost-effective managed services.
What we offer
We offer a range of industry-specific solutions designed to automate repetitive processes using a mix of technology, near-shore support services and experienced professionals. We have special expertise in listed and OTC derivatives, data extraction, document and workflow automation, and contract lifecyle management.
How we work
We are a team of experienced professionals with a deep commitment to innovation and client service, and a track record in large-scale regulatory projects. We have been in business since 2009 and in 2022 partnered with a private equity firm. This has allowed us to further accelerate our delivery and expand our offerings to continue building strategic partnerships with our clients for lasting success.

WSD’s Executive Committee

Mathias Strasser

Chief Executive Officer

Mathias has practiced law for more than 20 years and has worked in the legal tech world for over ten years. He has broad legal experience and is a recognized expert in derivatives law and automation, having founded WallStreetDocs, RegXchange, PRIIP Cloud and Scissero. Mathias holds an LL.M. from Harvard Law School, and a Mag.Jur and Dr.Jur in law from the University of Vienna.

David Pearce

Chief Financial Officer

David is a Private Equity Portfolio CFO with extensive international experience and expertise in building and leading finance teams, debt refinancing, treasury management, investor relations, M&A, and strategic planning. He spent 20 years of experience as a CFO with Standard & Poor's and has also been an early-stage investor in numerous high-growth companies. David has led successful business restructurings, integrations, and separations, resulting in significant improvements in financial performance.

Richard Gompels

Chief Information Officer

Richard has been in Financial Services Technology for 25 years, working in Structured Products automation for almost half of them. Building on 12 years in Citi, with another 10 years' experience delivering business-led Technology transformation - he has held CIO / CTO / VP Delivery for a variety of global and leading UK companies - to include Fiserv, Stemcor and Cashplus. He is a Chartered Accountant (Price Warterhouse, Edinburgh), and holds an MA(Hons) from St Andrews University.

Speak to one of our experts to learn how we can help you take your business to the next level.

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