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Unlock the Future of Finance: SPi launches Canadian event

If you’re looking for a market overview into current market dynamics and emerging trends, the latest insights into AI in Structured Products and Finance and how to optimize value and ensure cost-effectiveness in structured product investments we have the perfect event for you.

On September 19, WSD will host the SPi Conference and Awards and bring to discussion the latest solutions in Canada and how providers can help manage investors’ expectations.

Last years event brought together nearly 200 delegates from across the structured products industry and speakers included: Jerome Cloutier, Managing Director & Co-Head Global Sales at BMO Global Markets, Marta Cano Escobar, Managing Director and Head, Canada and LATAM Investor Solutions Global Equity Derivatives, Scotia Bank and James McGuigan MBA, CFA, Managing Director & Head, Canada Investor Solutions at Scotiabank GBM to name a few.

Hear from industry leaders, network with top advisors & leading brokers and Investment banks, and learn more about the current solutions and their advantages and risks. The agenda is now live, find out more and register here: www.canada.sp-intelligence.com

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